Benakaab 1 (English)

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A masked story of everyone stuck in two worlds

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In today's world, we come across a very caustic reality... One person - Many faces.... Numerous incidents are heard... and found as soon as we open a newspaper... A daughter murdered her father... Girl commits suicide out of tension... A girl slips into depression, on account of her break-up... 4 A pure vegetarian girl agrees to marry, a non-vegetarian guy, and accepts the condition to cook meat too... Why do such things happen? Why do people get stuck in such situations? What can be the remedy for this? This novel has All Answers... In this novel, numerous principles of the universal religion - Jainism, are portrayed in an exceptional way. To keep the readers engaged and captivated to the novel, suspense has been chosen as its core theme/ genre. Numerous bitter realities flourishing in the society and community have also been dis- cussed in this book. Before we start-off, I have one request to make to the public and my dear readers, it's suggestable for people belonging to the age group 13 to 45 years to mark this book as a 'MUST-READ... And it's recommendable for other readers too. As people who are stuck here and there in life just due to their personal beliefs and disbelieves shall 100% find a way out of the mess and their shattered world will again be filled with bright colors and happiness. There is a possibility that, many people might be displeased with this novel, but though being bitter, the truth must be spelt out. This reality check has been considered and it's for sure that, those who find this novel unpleasant, if they seek introspection of their own conscience, they will find their own masks- Nakaab's removed...! Benakaabi... Dt.18th May,2022...

  • D

    This book is so inspiring and so motivating for today's generation. It's must read book for all the Jains. The story of anokhi and apeksha, from their frndship to kalyan mitra. Can't wait to read part 2 .

  • Shrishti jain


  • Shal

    A beautiful blend of suspense and relatisations. A must read. The story will keep you hook till last and you couldn't wait for part 2.

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